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All the sub-categoriesCaregivers (7)Community and Recreation Centres (14)Day centres and respite (1)Friendly visits and safety calls (5)Home support (5)Housing for seniors (1)Intergenerational activities (1)Intervention with seniors subjected to abuse (2)Meals on Wheels (2)Volunteer Transportation (1)
All the sub-categoriesChild abuse (2)Domestic violence: shelters and support (4)Elder abuse (2)Help lines related to violence and abuse (2)Prevention of violence and crime (2)Sexual assault and incest (2)Support for perpetrators of violence and their families (1)Support for victims and their families (1)Therapy and counselling (10)
63 results items - 6 results with confidential address
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alliance pour l'accueil et l'intégration des immigrant-es
5165 Queen-Mary Road, Suite 350, 3rd floor, Côte-des-Neiges—Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Montréal, QC, H3W 1X7
Service description: Information and references. Objectif Intégration (OI): intensive or part-time integration courses, in person or by distance learning, covering the history of Quebec, the job market, etc. Help
Offer detail: *
integration services: Quebec, employability services: Montreal Island
integration services: permanent residents, asylum seekers, refugees, temporary foreign workers, foreign students, employability services: permanent residents, accepted refugees and temporary foreign workers
aide aux personnes obèses handicapées du québec
12716 Industriel Boulevard, Rivière-des-Prairies—Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montréal, QC, H1A 3V2
Service description: Advocacy. Sale or loan of specialized equipment for walking. Documentation.
Offer detail: *
adapted martial arts developement association
2093 de la Visitation Street, Ville-Marie, Montréal, QC, H2L 3C9
Service description: Promotion of the inclusion of people with specific needs and of universal accessibility through martial arts. Karate classes. Support to martial arts club that wish to include people with specific nee... More +
Montréal Island
people living with an autism spectrum disorder, an intellectual disability or a physical limitation