Back to the seach results PreviousNext access to information and privacyATIP Canada people with the status of Canadian citizen or permanent resident, natural or legal persons present in CanadaOverviewContactOrganization statusGeneral informations ServicesReception and processing of requests for access to information or personal information held by the federal government. * Online record of past access requests. * List of access to information and privacy coordinators by institution: Details on the service offer*Eligibilitypeople with the status of Canadian citizen or permanent resident, natural or legal persons present in CanadaFeesinformation access request: $5, personal information request: freeCoverage areaCanadaLanguages offeredEnglish, FrenchApplication processonline or by mailing the appropriate participating departmental information access coordinatorCategories: ; Government services - Federal services ; Government services - Official documentsContact Organization status Legal Statusfederal government agencyFundingfederalLast verified on2024-08-05