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654 results items - 15 results with confidential address
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rivière-beaudette public library
663 Frontière Road, Rivière-Beaudette, Montérégie, QC, J0P 1R0
Service description: Loan and consultation of books and audiovisual documents. Multimedia space. Computers. Story time.
rivière-des-prairies-pointe-aux-trembles - borough
12090 Notre-Dame Street East, Rivière-des-Prairies—Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montréal, QC, H1B 2Z1
Service description: Points of service Accès Montréal Office offering information on services and activities: Permit counter:
rivière-des-prairies-pointe-aux-trembles - borough - rivière-des-prairies branch
8910 Maurice-Duplessis Boulevard, Rivière-des-Prairies—Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montréal, QC, H1E 6X5
Service description: Points of service Accès Montréal Office offering information on services and activities: Permit counter:
Offer detail: *
rosemont-la-petite-patrie - borough
5650 D'Iberville Street, 2nd floor, Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie, Montréal, QC, H2G 2B3
Service description: Service points Accès Montréal Office offering information on services and activities: Permit counter: More +
Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie
rosemère - city
100 Charbonneau Street, Rosemère, Laurentides, QC, J7A 3W1
Service description: Municipal service management. Municipal tax payment. Construction permits. Garbage collection. Emergency notification system. Municipal library. Community services. Administration of oath. Municipal C... More +
rosemère - municipal court
100 Charbonneau Street, Rosemère, Laurentides, QC, J7A 3W1
Service description: First-instance justice court hearing lawsuits relative to municipal by-laws, infringements to the Code de la Sécurité routière and some criminal infringements (drunk driving, thefts under $5000 and mi... More +
rosemère - transportation for seniors
100 Charbonneau Street, Rosemère, Laurentides, QC, J7A 3W1
Service description: Low-cost taxi transportation for seniors to predetermined services: banks, grocery stores, clinics, movie theatres, etc. List of locations serviced: click here
450 621-3500 ext.
seniors 65 years and over
rosemère public library
339 de la Grande-Côte Road, Rosemère, Laurentides, QC, J7A 1K2
Service description: Loan and consultation of books and audiovisual documents. Computers and Internet access. Biblio-Santé. Book club for children. Story time. Exhibitions, workshops, author meetings.
régie de police du lac des deux-montagnes
615 20th Avenue, Deux-Montagnes, Laurentides, QC, J7R 6B2
Service description: Peacekeeping, law enforcement and public security. Prevention and repression of crime and offenses. Criminal record check-up. Awareness-raising.
Deux-Montagnes, Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, Saint-Joseph-du-Lac, Pointe-Calumet
régie intermunicipale de police richelieu - saint-laurent
1578 du Fer-à-Cheval Road, Sainte-Julie, Montérégie, QC, J3E 0A2
Service description: Peacekeeping, law enforcement and public security. Prevention and repression of crime and offences. Criminal record check-up. Awareness-raising.
MRC Marguerite-D'Youville, Saint-Mathieu-de-Beloeil, Beloeil, McMasterville, Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Carignan, Chambly, Otterburn Park, Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Richelieu, Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu
régie intermunicipale de police roussillon
90 Saint-François-Xavier Road, Candiac, Montérégie, QC, J5R 6M6
Service description: Responds to the public's safety needs. Protection of the citizen's lives and property. Peace and public safety maintenance. Verification of criminal record. Prevention and combat against crime. Enforc... More +
Candiac, Delson, La Prairie, Saint-Constant, Saint-Mathieu, Saint-Philippe, Sainte-Catherine
régie intermunicipale de police thérèse-de blainville
150 Ducharme Boulevard, Sainte-Thérèse, Laurentides, QC, J7E 4R6
Service description: Peacekeeping, law enforcement and public security. Prevention and repression of crime and offenses. Criminal record check-up. Awareness-raising.
réseau biblio de la montérégie
275 Conrad-Pelletier Street, La Prairie, Montérégie, QC, J5R 4V1
Service description: Development and support of a regional network of public libraries. Pooling and sharing of resources. Room rental.
affiliated libraries
réseau biblio des laurentides
29 Brissette Street, Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Laurentides, QC, J8C 3L1
Service description: Regional public libraries network. Loan of electronic books and resources. Technical and professional support for member libraries.
réseau biblio des laurentides - oka library
15 de L'Annonciation Street, Kanesatake, Laurentides, QC, J0N 1E0
Service description: Loan and access to books and audio-visual documents. Internet access and computers. Book clubs for adults and children. Computer course. Activities and conferences. Genealogy. Board games. Biblio-Sant... More +
450 479-8333 ext.
Oka, South of Laurentians