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By categories
All the sub-categoriesChild welfare (4)Daycare and respite (29)Family Support (29)Information on childcare services (1)Juvenile Delinquency (3)Maternity support and adoption (17)Parenting Education (29)Recreational Activities (23)Youth Centres and Support (10)Youth Employment (11)Youth Shelters and Support (2)
All the sub-categoriesAdapted work and employability support (5)Advocacy for people with an intellectual disability (1)Advocacy for people with a physical disability (4)Autism, PDD, ADHD (2)Deaf and hearing impaired (4)Recreation and camps (4)Respite, child care and housing (3)Support and integration organizations (3)Support Associations (7)The Blind (2)
All the sub-categoriesAdvocacy for workers and unemployed (2)Budget management and consumption (4)Business development (5)Employment support and training (13)Employment support for immigrants (37)Employment support for women (1)Employment support for youth (11)Tax clinics (6)Vocational rehabilitation and disability-related employment (6)
All the sub-categoriesChristmas basket (16)Collective kitchens and cooking workshops (20)Community gardens and markets (7)Food aid for pregnant women and children (4)Food Assistance (28)Food assistance coordination (21)Food assistance in schools (2)Low cost or free meals (13)Prepared meals and Meals-on-wheels (6)
All the sub-categoriesCaregivers (3)Community and Recreation Centres (10)Day centres and respite (1)Friendly visits and safety calls (8)Home support (10)Housing for seniors (4)Intergenerational activities (4)Intervention with seniors subjected to abuse (4)Meals on Wheels (4)Volunteer Transportation (1)
All the sub-categoriesChild abuse (4)Domestic violence: shelters and support (16)Elder abuse (3)Help lines related to violence and abuse (9)Prevention of violence and crime (12)Sexual assault and incest (5)Support for perpetrators of violence and their families (2)Support for victims and their families (3)Therapy and counselling (16)