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4712 results items - 515 results with confidential address
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info-social 811 - laval
Service description: Psychosocial counselling by phone. Information and referral to help resources.
concertation des luttes contre l'exploitation sexuelle
Service description: Phone listening, support, information and referral. Accompaniment and support in the process (health, legal or housing). Support group for women involved or having been involved in the sex indust
association québec-france - montérégie
Service description: Development of France-Québec direct and privileged relationships. Intermunicipalités youth programs: summer jobs in France for young Québec students. Adults programs: literary award, Francofête, slam,... More +
association québec-france - lanaudière
Service description: Development of direct and privileged France-Québec relationships. Dinner and conferences. Intermunicipal work exchange program for youth. Slam-poetry contest. Trips to France. Reciprocity housing. Cul... More +
Offer detail: Christmas activities 2024 : low-cost Christmas dinner for members. 15/11/2024
icna relief canada
Service description: Information and referrals. Food assistance.
info-social 8-1-1 - laurentians
Service description: Psychosocial consultation by phone. Information and referral to assistance resources.
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gastrointestinal society
Service description: Monthly support groups. Conferences, awareness-raising. Research, information and education.
Service description: Listening and psychosocial intervention by phone, chat, email and text message. Online exchange forum by and for youth. Chat with young counselling students, supervised by the professional team. Inter... More +
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Service description: Low-cost legal services. Affordable legal services: representation in court, accompaniment in negotiation and mediation, drafting and revision of documents and legal advice. Aparté: resources against ... More +
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west-island volunteer accompaniment service
Service description: Accompaniment and transportation for medical and social appointments.
Offer detail: Holiday schedule 2024: The organization will be closed from December 23 to Sunday, January 5 inclusively. 28/05/2024
crime victims assistance centre of montréal - west end montréal
Service description: Confidential frontline services adapted to every step of the legal process. Needs assessment. Post-traumatic and psycho-judicial intervention. Information about rights and remedies and
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aînés en mouvement
Service description: Adapted and accessible physical activities programs designed by a team of kinesiologists. En Forme: 12-week program. Other activities: Énergie-boomers, stretching, chair yoga, outdoors (only in summer... More +
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résidence elle du haut st-laurent
Service description: Shelter for abused, distressed women and their children. Shelter. Psychosocial services. Telephone listening 24/7 and 365 days. Outpatient services. Accompaniment. Awareness about domestic violence is... More +
Offer detail: For housing needs for survivors of domestic violence, contact S.O.S Violence Conjugale, by phone at 1 800 363-9010 or online at
centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions sexuelles - outaouais
Service description: Assistance and accompaniment for women victims of sexual assault. Individual counselling. Phone support and information. Support group. Support for victims of sexual exploitation
centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions sexuelles - vallée-de-la-gatineau
Service description: Assistance and accompaniment for women victims of sexual assault. Individual counselling. Support and self-help group. Telephone support and information. Accompanimen
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