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By categories
All the sub-categoriesChild welfare (85)Daycare and respite (168)Family Support (366)Information on childcare services (8)Juvenile Delinquency (55)Maternity support and adoption (143)Parenting Education (223)Recreational Activities (279)Youth Centres and Support (326)Youth Employment (149)Youth Shelters and Support (109)
All the sub-categoriesAdapted work and employability support (75)Advocacy for people with an intellectual disability (50)Advocacy for people with a physical disability (105)Autism, PDD, ADHD (135)Deaf and hearing impaired (78)Language disorders (25)Mobility aids (43)Paratransit (7)Recreation and camps (199)Respite, child care and housing (107)Respite services and housing (111)Support and integration organizations (89)Support Associations (146)The Blind (62)Therapy and rehabilitation centres (39)
All the sub-categoriesAcademic and vocational guidance (89)Associations and Federations (16)Computer workshops (142)Difficulties and learning disabilities (44)Homework assistance and tutoring (180)Language courses (172)Literacy (118)Public education (117)School perseverance (103)School service centers (7)Vocational training, Cégeps and Universities (28)
All the sub-categoriesAdvocacy for workers and unemployed (57)Budget management and consumption (113)Business development (73)Employment support and training (180)Employment support for immigrants (107)Employment support for seniors (22)Employment support for women (40)Employment support for youth (149)Tax clinics (50)Vocational rehabilitation and disability-related employment (155)
All the sub-categoriesChristmas basket (213)Collective kitchens and cooking workshops (175)Community gardens and markets (99)Food aid for pregnant women and children (27)Food Assistance (386)Food assistance coordination (214)Food assistance in schools (19)Low cost or free meals (311)Prepared meals and Meals-on-wheels (134)
All the sub-categoriesAddiction prevention (84)Addiction treatment (95)Community support in mental health (239)Crisis centres and suicide prevention (52)Helplines (106)Mental health advocacy groups (107)Mental health housing (13)Psychiatric services (2)Self-help groups for addiction issues (36)Self-help groups for mental health issues (50)
All the sub-categoriesCaregivers (118)Community and Recreation Centres (336)Day centres and respite (55)Friendly visits and safety calls (208)Home support (228)Housing for seniors (138)Intergenerational activities (44)Intervention with seniors subjected to abuse (31)Meals on Wheels (104)Seniors' Advocacy and Assistance Associations (83)Volunteer Transportation (109)
All the sub-categoriesChild abuse (73)Domestic violence: shelters and support (127)Elder abuse (29)Help lines related to violence and abuse (56)Prevention of violence and crime (124)Sexual assault and incest (62)Support for perpetrators of violence and their families (46)Support for victims and their families (89)Therapy and counselling (262)
4712 results items - 515 results with confidential address
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info-social 811 - laval
Service description: Psychosocial counselling by phone. Information and referral to help resources.
concertation des luttes contre l'exploitation sexuelle
Service description: Phone listening, support, information and referral. Accompaniment and support in the process (health, legal or housing). Support group for women involved or having been involved in the sex indust
Province of Québec
women involved in the sex industry, or having exchanged sex for money, goods, drugs or housing, regularly or occasionally, women at risk of becoming involved in these activities, their relatives
association québec-france - montérégie
Service description: Development of France-Québec direct and privileged relationships. Intermunicipalités youth programs: summer jobs in France for young Québec students. Adults programs: literary award, Francofête, slam,... More +
Agglomeration of Longueuil, MRC Marguerite-D'Youville, MRC Roussillon
francophiles, French language defenders
association québec-france - lanaudière
Service description: Development of direct and privileged France-Québec relationships. Dinner and conferences. Intermunicipal work exchange program for youth. Slam-poetry contest. Trips to France. Reciprocity housing. Cul... More +
Offer detail: Christmas activities 2024 : low-cost Christmas dinner for members. 15/11/2024
francophiles, French language defenders
icna relief canada
Service description: Information and referrals. Food assistance.
Montréal Island
families and people living on a low income, welfare recipients, refugees
info-social 8-1-1 - laurentians
Service description: Psychosocial consultation by phone. Information and referral to assistance resources.
Offer detail: *
gastrointestinal society
Service description: Monthly support groups. Conferences, awareness-raising. Research, information and education.
1 855
Province of Québec
people living with gastrointestinal and liver conditions (colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's and colitis), celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, hepatitis and others), their relatives, clinicians and researchers
Service description: Listening and psychosocial intervention by phone, chat, email and text message. Online exchange forum by and for youth. Chat with young counselling students, supervised by the professional team. Inter... More +
Offer detail: *
Service description: Low-cost legal services. Affordable legal services: representation in court, accompaniment in negotiation and mediation, drafting and revision of documents and legal advice. Aparté: resources against ... More +
Offer detail: *
province of Québec, legal representation: Montréal, Laval, Longueuil
people on a low income not eligible for legal assistance, non-profit organizations
west-island volunteer accompaniment service
Service description: Accompaniment and transportation for medical and social appointments.
Offer detail: Holiday schedule 2024: The organization will be closed from December 23 to Sunday, January 5 inclusively. 28/05/2024
West Island
people 18 years and older in vulnerable situations
crime victims assistance centre of montréal - west end montréal
Service description: Confidential frontline services adapted to every step of the legal process. Needs assessment. Post-traumatic and psycho-judicial intervention. Information about rights and remedies and
Offer detail: *
1 866
West Island
people victims of crimes, their relatives, witnesses of a crime, regardless of the seriousness, nature and time of the crime committed, whether or not the perpetrator is identified, arrested, prosecuted or convicted
aînés en mouvement
Service description: Adapted and accessible physical activities programs designed by a team of kinesiologists. En Forme: 12-week program. Other activities: Énergie-boomers, stretching, chair yoga, outdoors (only in summer... More +
Offer detail: *
urban agglomeration of Longueuil, various service points
seniors aged 60 years old and over
résidence elle du haut st-laurent
Service description: Shelter for abused, distressed women and their children. Shelter. Psychosocial services. Telephone listening 24/7 and 365 days. Outpatient services. Accompaniment. Awareness about domestic violence is... More +
Offer detail: For housing needs for survivors of domestic violence, contact S.O.S Violence Conjugale, by phone at 1 800 363-9010 or online at
1 877
MRC Le Haut-Saint-Laurent
abused or distressed women, their children
centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions sexuelles - outaouais
Service description: Assistance and accompaniment for women victims of sexual assault. Individual counselling. Phone support and information. Support group. Support for victims of sexual exploitation
1 866
survivors of sexual assault 12 years and over, workshops: community organizations, institutions, teaching environments
centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions sexuelles - vallée-de-la-gatineau
Service description: Assistance and accompaniment for women victims of sexual assault. Individual counselling. Support and self-help group. Telephone support and information. Accompanimen
Offer detail: *
MRC Vallée-de-la-Gatineau
women and teenagers who are survivors of sexual assault 12 years and over, workshops: community organizations, institutions, learning environment