Community centre.Food
* Collective kitchen.
* Nurturing forest: fruit tree planting. Childhood and youth
* Drop-in daycare for 0 to 5 years old.
* Homework assistance.
* Drop-in breastfeeding program.
* Toy library: loan of games and toys.
* Pandas playgroup (0 to 5 years old): parent-child workshops.
* Petit cuisiners: cooking classes for 6 to 12 years old.
* Activities for 12 to 17 years old, in partnership with Avenue des jeunes.
* Entre nous filles: discussion group for Grade 5 and 6 girls.
* Day camp and spring break camp. Material assistance
* Opération habit de neige: distribution of winter clothing.
* Shared-store for school supplies.
* Recovery of used clothing.Education
* French courses.
* Spanish courses. Social events
* Café populaire, a space for socializing.
* Social and recreational activities: sewing and knitting classes, karate classes, line dancing, board game group, danse cardio classes, physical activities for seniors.
* Community parties.