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Family Support
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Family Support
6542 results items - 655 results with confidential address
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centre d'information et de référence de la capitale-nationale et de la chaudières-appalaches
Service description: Socio-community info-referral service. By-phone and chat information service to guide citizens through socio-community and public resources adapted to their n
logifem - maison d'hébergement
Service description: Shelter for women in difficulty, with or without children. Women's shelter: duration of up to 1 year. Follow-up, intervention, listening and activities. Tax clinic, Christmas baskets and used items do... More +
adult children of alcoholics - montréal
Service description: Self-help group for adults who grew up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional home. 12 steps program. List of meetings:
Offer detail: COVID-29: Some meetings have resumed. See the details on the website. 27/09/2022
regard en elle
Service description: First stage housing for women victims of violence. Intervention, counselling. Support for procedures of any kind. 24/7 telephone support. Self-help groups. Information, orientation and referrals. Indi... More +
Offer detail: *For all your needs regarding accommodation for victims of domestic violence, we suggest you contact S.O.S Violence Conjugale. If you call 211, we'll transfer you to their helpline*.
Service description: Grouping of community organizations in the field of family issues. Networking facilitation between organizations. Research, dissemination of information and organization of conferences in collaboratio... More +
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kids help phone
Service description: Confidential help and intervention by phone, web chat and text messages. Information. Peer-to-Peer Community: forum for support and sharing among youth Referral database. Y... More +
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clé sur la porte (la)
Service description: Safe and confidential housing. Telephone and in-person listening. Assistance and accompaniment with the procedures. Individual and group interventions. Group facilitation. External counselling. Post h... More +
Offer detail: *For all needs related to housing for survivors of domestic violence, we suggest you contact S.O.S Violence Conjugale. If you call the 211, we will transfer you to their helpline.*
coalition des associations de consommateurs du québec
Service description: Coalition of consumer associations whose mission is to collectively defend the rights and interests of consumer citizens and to contribute to social, political and economic changes likely to foster s
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association des orthésistes et prothésistes du québec
Service description: Professional association. Protection of the public, access control to the orthotist-prosthetist profession and regulation of its exercise. Management of public complaints. Quality control of trai
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association des médiateurs familiaux du québec
Service description: Information on family mediation. Directory of family mediators: Services to accredited family mediators or those in the process of being accredite... More +
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Service description: Provincial psychological support program for workers and volunteers in the social economy and community action employment sector. Helpline offering support: 1 to 7 free 50-minute sessions. Group works... More +
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association québécoise de musicothérapie
Service description: Grouping of music therapists. Information. Promotion: lectures, interviews, etc. Continuing education: improvement workshops and research stimulation.
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pavillon marguerite de champlain
Service description: Shelter for women victims of domestic violence. Individual and group counselling. Awareness and prevention. Post-housing follow-up. 24/7 phoneline: counselling, active listening, referral.
table de concertation des groupes de femmes de la montérégie
Service description: Information circulation, sharing of expertise and class actions. Advocacy of women's groups in the Montérégie.
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aînés en mouvement
Service description: Adapted and accessible physical activities programs designed by a team of kinesiologists. En Forme: 12-week program. Other activities: Énergie-boomers, stretching, chair yoga, outdoors (only in summer... More +
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