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545 results items - 72 results with confidential address
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centre de réadaptation en dépendance de montréal - point de service prince-arthur
110 Prince-Arthur Street West, Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, Montréal, QC, H2X 1S7
Service description: Second-line addiction services Specialized assessment (access point at the Louvain service point). Outpatient rehabilitation. Inpatient rehabilitation for adults (Louva
Offer detail: For new requests, you must give the access counter 514 385-1232. ** The Emergency addictions servicecan offer service in any language**. Rehabilitation services are offered only in French. If the person speaks English, but is comfortable enough to do the rehabilitation in French, you can refer them to the CRDM, otherwise, it's Foster.
514 385-1232
Centre-Sud de l'île de Montréal
people 12 years and older with an addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambling or cyberaddiction), their relatives
centre de réadaptation en dépendance de montréal - point de service saint-urbain
3530, rue Saint-Urbain, Lachine, Montréal, QC, H2X 2N7
Service description: Second-line addiction services. Specialized assessment (access point at the Louvain service point). Outpatient rehabilitation. Inpatient rehabilitation for adults (Louv
Offer detail: For new requests, you must give the access counter 514 385-1232. Services are offered only in French. If the person speaks English, but is comfortable enough to do the rehabilitation in French, you can refer them to the CRDM, otherwise, it's Foster.
CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal
people 12 years and older with an addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambling or cyberaddiction), their relatives
centre de réadaptation en dépendance de montréal - point de service sud-ouest-verdun
Centre d'hébergement Saint-Henri, 5205 Notre-Dame Street West, Le Sud-Ouest, Montréal, QC, H4C 3L2
Service description: Second-line addiction services. Specialized assessment (access point at the Louvain service point). Outpatient rehabilitation. Inpatient rehabilitation for adults (
Offer detail: For new requests, you must give the access counter 514 385-1232. Services are offered only in French. If the person speaks English, but is comfortable enough to do the rehabilitation in French, you can refer them to the CRDM, otherwise, it's Foster.
CIUSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal
people 12 years and older with an addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambling or cyberaddiction), their relatives
centre de santé des femmes de montréal
4689 Papineau Avenue, Suite 300, Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, Montréal, QC, H2H 1V4
Service description: Sexual and reproductive health services. Termination of pregnancy. Gynecological health clinic for vulnerable women. Information and referral. Sexual and reproductive health workshops in women's group... More +
Offer detail: *
514 270-6110 ext.
Province of Québec
women, gynecological health clinic: women who already have a medical record at the CSFM and women referred by an organization that has an agreement with the CSFM
centre de support médical et d'assistance sociale (cesumas)
212 de Gentilly Street West, Longueuil, Montérégie, QC, J4H 1Z6
Service description: Support services and the fight against poverty. Food Food assistance. Café Social: low-cost meals, employment opportunities and social inclusion, catering and food processing. Material assi
Offer detail: *
agglomeration of Longueuil
individuals and families on a low income, people, couples and single-parent families experiencing homelessness, people in a situation of vulnerability, recruitment: foreign workers on a temporary work visa or who do not have a visa yet, companies, community organizations
centre des aîné.e.s de saint-léonard
5555 Jean-Talon Street East, Saint-Léonard, Montréal, QC, H1S 1L8
Service description: Activities Fitness activities: ViActive, Yoga and Qi-Gong. Social activities: choir, Around the world, various activities. Community lunch. Multi-clientele respite service. Conferences. Cultural outin... More +
Offer detail: *
centre des femmes d'ici et d'ailleurs
8043 Saint-Hubert Street, Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension, Montréal, QC, H2R 2P4
Service description: Living, learning and involvement environment for women. Welcoming, confidential listening, support and referral. French conversation workshops. Educational activities. Intercultural exchange activitie... More +
Offer detail: *
centre des femmes de laval
69 8th Street, Laval-des-Rapides, Laval, QC, H7N 2C5
Service description: Place for meeting, listening and referral. Vert l'écolo-partage thrift store: free clothing for the whole family. Daycare. Educational and recreational activities, training, dancing, committees, colle... More +
Offer detail: *
centre des femmes de montréal-est - pointe-aux-trembles
12125 Notre-Dame Street East, Suite 164, Rivière-des-Prairies—Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montréal, QC, H1B 2Y9
Service description: Meeting and support place for women. Popular education and workshops. Psychosocial support. Advice and guidance. Socio-artistic project for 13-17 year olds. Counselling and guidance. Coffee-
Offer detail: *
Pointe-aux-Trembles and Montréal-Est
women 13 years and over who are in need
centre des femmes de verdun
3488 de Verdun Street, Verdun, Montréal, QC, H4G 1V4
Service description: Welcoming, safe, inclusive and feminist space seeking to ensure rights and interests advocacy for women and gender-diverse people, in a perspective of social change. Reception, listening and referral.... More +
mostly Verdun
women, gender-diverse people
centre des femmes solidaires et engagées
1586 Fleury Street East, Door 100, Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Montréal, QC, H2C 1S6
Service description: Welcoming, active listening in person, by phone or on Zoom. Accompaniment for women in abusive relationships. Individual consultations. Legal clinic. Information and referral. Documentation centre.
Offer detail: *
centre du sablon
755 du Sablon Road, Chomedey, Laval, QC, H7W 4H5
Service description: Sports, community and cultural centre. Exercises adapted for seniors. Seniors club. Special needs program for children: sports, cooking and social skills activities. Preschool program. Summer and wint... More +
Offer detail: *
general public, special needs program: children with special needs (anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome/trisomy, etc.)
centre for reproductive loss
Service description: Professional support for grief. Grief care education on reproductive loss such as miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, infertility and related reproductive grief issues.
Greater Montréal
people and families affected by a miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, adoption, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), infertility and sterility, health professionals, general public
centre for the prevention of radicalisation leading to violence
5199 Sherbrooke East Street, Suite 3060, Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie, Montréal, QC, H1T 3X3
Service description: Prevention of radicalization leading to violence and hate-motivated behaviours. Community-based approach oriented towards accessibility for all, in collaboration with partners from all ba
514 687-7141 ext.
Province of Québec
general population, front-line professionals, people affected by radicalization leading to violence and hateful acts
centre génération emploi
7000 du Parc Avenue, Suite 414, 4th floor, Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension, Montréal, QC, H3N 1X1
Service description: Job integration. Employment preparation program for people who are immigrants or from a racial minority. Employment help and support in employment integration: training on various themes (mental and p... More +
Offer detail: *
Greater Montréal
adults, companies, employment help and support in employment integration: youth from 18 to 35 years old, employment preparation program: immigrant individuals and visible minorities