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All the sub-categoriesChild welfare (19)Daycare and respite (45)Family Support (69)Information on childcare services (3)Juvenile Delinquency (9)Maternity support and adoption (38)Parenting Education (43)Recreational Activities (52)Youth Centres and Support (41)Youth Employment (21)Youth Shelters and Support (9)
All the sub-categoriesAdapted work and employability support (5)Advocacy for people with an intellectual disability (1)Advocacy for people with a physical disability (3)Autism, PDD, ADHD (3)Deaf and hearing impaired (7)Language disorders (1)Mobility aids (3)Paratransit (1)Recreation and camps (7)Respite, child care and housing (3)Respite services and housing (3)Support and integration organizations (3)Support Associations (19)The Blind (1)
All the sub-categoriesAcademic and vocational guidance (9)Associations and Federations (1)Computer workshops (33)Difficulties and learning disabilities (1)Homework assistance and tutoring (31)Language courses (70)Literacy (19)Public education (17)School perseverance (11)Vocational training, Cégeps and Universities (2)
All the sub-categoriesAdvocacy for workers and unemployed (7)Budget management and consumption (16)Business development (10)Employment support and training (25)Employment support for immigrants (50)Employment support for seniors (3)Employment support for women (4)Employment support for youth (21)Tax clinics (16)Vocational rehabilitation and disability-related employment (9)
All the sub-categoriesChristmas basket (56)Collective kitchens and cooking workshops (41)Community gardens and markets (24)Food aid for pregnant women and children (9)Food Assistance (105)Food assistance coordination (53)Food assistance in schools (2)Low cost or free meals (46)Prepared meals and Meals-on-wheels (18)
All the sub-categoriesCaregivers (12)Community and Recreation Centres (34)Day centres and respite (9)Friendly visits and safety calls (25)Home support (19)Housing for seniors (5)Intergenerational activities (7)Intervention with seniors subjected to abuse (6)Meals on Wheels (9)Seniors' Advocacy and Assistance Associations (3)Volunteer Transportation (8)
All the sub-categoriesChild abuse (21)Domestic violence: shelters and support (44)Elder abuse (5)Help lines related to violence and abuse (24)Prevention of violence and crime (35)Sexual assault and incest (21)Support for perpetrators of violence and their families (7)Support for victims and their families (19)Therapy and counselling (35)
545 results items - 72 results with confidential address
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crime victims assistance centre of montréal - montréal centre
Service description: Confidential frontline services adapted to every step of the legal process. Needs assessment. Post-traumatic and psycho-judicial intervention. Information about rights and remedies and r
Offer detail: *
1 866
Montréal Island
people victims of crimes, their relatives, witnesses of a crime, regardless of the seriousness, nature and time of the crime committed, whether or not the perpetrator is identified, arrested, prosecuted or convicted
crime victims assistance centre of montréal - montréal courthouse
1 Notre-Dame Street East, Suite 5.10, Ville-Marie, Montréal, QC, H2Y 1B6
Service description: Confidential frontline services adapted to every step of the legal process. Needs assessment. Post-traumatic and psycho-judicial intervention. Information about rights and remedies a
Offer detail: *
1 866
Montréal Island
people victims of crimes, their relatives, witnesses of a crime, regardless of the seriousness, nature and time of the crime committed, whether or not the perpetrator is identified, arrested, prosecuted or convicted
crime victims assistance centre of montréal - west end montréal
Service description: Confidential frontline services adapted to every step of the legal process. Needs assessment. Post-traumatic and psycho-judicial intervention. Information about rights and remedies and
Offer detail: *
1 866
West Island
people victims of crimes, their relatives, witnesses of a crime, regardless of the seriousness, nature and time of the crime committed, whether or not the perpetrator is identified, arrested, prosecuted or convicted
crime victims assistance centre of montréal - youth division
410 de Bellechasse Street East, Suite 1.045, Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie, Montréal, QC, H2S 1X3
Service description: Confidential frontline services adapted to every step of the legal process. Needs assessment. Post-traumatic and psycho-judicial intervention. Information about rights and remedies and re
Offer detail: *
1 866
Montréal Island
people victims of crimes, their relatives, witnesses of a crime, regardless of the seriousness, nature and time of the crime committed, whether or not the perpetrator is identified, arrested, prosecuted or convicted
croisée de longueuil (la)
1230 Green Street, Longueuil, Montérégie, QC, J4K 4Z5
Service description: Food assistance. Magasin en fête: low priced groceries for the holiday season. Community kitchens. La Petite Cuillère: delivery and sale of frozen affordable meals. Solidarity gardens. Daycare. Parent... More +
Offer detail: 2024 Magasin en fête: Low-price grocery shop for the holiday season for residents of the same area serving food security (Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde, Saint-Georges, Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue, Sainte-Louise-de-Marillac, Saint-Jude parishes). Registration in person on 6-13-20 and 27 November, from 10h30 to 15h30. Documents required: proof of address, health insurance card for all family members, GST and QST and cash for fees. Cost: $9 for a single person, $15 for 2 to 3 people and $20 for 4 people or more. No registration by phone and no registration after November 27. 28/10/2024
South Shore, food assistance: Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde, Saint-Georges, Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue, Sainte-Louise-de-Marillac, Saint-Jude parishes, La Petite Cuillère: Longueuil agglomeration, La Petite Cuillère: seniors in particular
families or people on a low income
cuisine collective à toute vapeur
13687 rue Forsyth, Suite 1, Rivière-des-Prairies—Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montréal, QC, H1A 3X2
Service description: Food assistance. Collective kitchens. Christmas baskets. Bazaar: sale of low-cost items (clothes, toys, jewelry, decorative items, etc.).
Offer detail: Christmas Baskets 2024: Full for this year. 20/11/2024 EFP.
Montréal-Est, Rivière-des-Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles
food assistance: people and families on a low income, collective kitchens: open to all
cuisines et vie collectives saint-roch
7408 Bloomfield Avenue, Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension, Montréal, QC, H3N 2H3
Service description: Collective kitchens. Boxed meals. Nutrition and health workshops for seniors. Food aid. Education cooking lessons for children and teenagers. Zumba and tai chi classes. Themed meals.
newcomers, low-income individuals and families, seniors, children, teenagers, students, schools
cummings jewish centre for seniors
5700 Westbury Avenue, Côte-des-Neiges—Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Montréal, QC, H3W 3E8
Service description: Services for seniors, mainly from the Jewish community. Information and referral. Individual counselling and follow-up. Cultural and social activities. Kosher meals on wheels. Advocacy. Weekly support... More +
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Greater Montréal
people with reduced mobility, people 50 years and over, mainly from the Jewish community, kosher meals on wheels: people 65 years and over
cyclo nord-sud
8717 8th Avenue, Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension, Montréal, QC, H1Z 2X4
Service description: Donation pick-up: used bicycles. Organization of neighbourhood gathering days. Bicycles storage service. Educational kit for teenagers. Sale of bicycles at a low cost. Donation of bicycles to vulnerab... More +
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Province of Québec, bike repair: Saint-Michel, Côte-Des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-De-Grâce
bikers or bicycle donors, people motivated to contribute to a social change project
côte-des-neiges parents' association
6767 de la Côte-des-Neiges Road, Suite 498, Côte-des-Neiges—Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Montréal, QC, H3S 2T6
Service description: Workshops for parents and children: Nobody's Perfect Program on parenting skills, introduction to reading and writing, stimulation workshop through play, workshops for babies aged 0 to 12 months. Coff... More +
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Montréal Island, particularly Côte-des-Neiges and Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
parents with children from 0 to 5 years old
côté cour
1 Notre-Dame Street East, Suite 6.10, Ville-Marie, Montréal, QC, H2Y 1B6
Service description: Specialized assistance in domestic and family violence. Direct legal assistance. Psychosocial intervention, support, and listening. Referral to the appropriate resources. Information on the legal proc... More +
Offer detail: *
514 868-9577 ext. 0
Montréal Island
victims of domestic and familial violence whose case was judicialized in Montreal
dans la rue
533 Ontario Street East, Suite 450, Ville-Marie, Montréal, QC, H2L 1N8
Service description: Accompaniment of youth in difficulty. Roulotte: street work. Chez Pops: day centre. The Bunker: emergency shelter. Social housing with community support for members. Family services for members.
1 888
Montréal Island
people 25 years old and under in difficulty, social housing and family services: only people who are already attending the organization
depot (the) - community food centre
6450 Somerled Avenue, Côte-des-Neiges—Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Montréal, QC, H4V 1S5
Service description: Food assistance in the form of food baskets. Good Food Market: sale of fresh fruit and vegetables at low prices. Healthy snacks program for school aged children in summer camps and community centres. ... More +
Offer detail: Please note: The organization is currently NOT accepting any new participants for their food assistance program. Please refer to their website to be placed on a waiting list, they will contact you when a space becomes available. 23/10/2024
514 483-4680 ext.
postal codes starting by H4A, H4B, H4V, H4W, H4X, H3X or H3Z
people on a low income
diocèse de valleyfield
11 de l'Église Street, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Montérégie, QC, J6T 1J5
Service description: Diocesan activities. List of parishes:
MRC Beauharnois-Salaberry, MRC Le Haut-Saint-Laurent, MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Châteauguay, Hemmingford
doctors of the world canada
560 Crémazie Boulevard East, Suite 100, Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension, Montréal, QC, H2P 1E8
Service description: Service point for issuing identity and residence cards for people with no or precarious status. Medical and paramedical humanitarian aid abroad. Local intervention programs.
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1 833
Province of Québec
vulnerable population, migrants without medical coverage, identity cards: people with tourist or temporary resident status who have not renewed of their tourist visa, study permit or work permit and have not left Canada, people whose refugee claim has been refused, people who entered Canada illegally, trans people awaiting new identification documents, people experiencing homelessness