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All the sub-categoriesChild abuse (2)Domestic violence: shelters and support (4)Elder abuse (3)Help lines related to violence and abuse (2)Prevention of violence and crime (2)Sexual assault and incest (2)Support for perpetrators of violence and their families (1)Support for victims and their families (1)Therapy and counselling (10)
64 results items - 6 results with confidential address
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club de l'âge d'or le soleil de montréal-nord
11479 Favier Avenue, Montréal-Nord, Montréal, QC, H1G 3X9
Service description: Social and recreational activities: bingo, celebrations, outings, etc. Community meals.
Offer detail: Covid-19: Open. 22/04/2022
club de l'âge d'or margherite d'oro
Chalet, 8181 Robert Street, LaSalle, Montréal, QC, H8R 4A2
Service description: Social and recreational activities: bingo, bocce, social dancing, line dancing, cards. Outings. Monthly dancing dinner.
Offer detail: *
club de l'âge d'or parc ottawa
10400 de Belville Avenue, Montréal-Nord, Montréal, QC, H1H 4Z7
Service description: Social and recreational activities for seniors. Cards, television and bingo.
Offer detail: *
club de l'âge d'or saint-urbain de laval
1885 Dumouchel Avenue, Chomedey, Laval, QC, H7S 1J8
Service description: Bingo, card games, community meals, outings, petanque during summer. Active lifestyle: gymnastics, healthy eating.
Offer detail: *
community chaplaincy of montréal
2857 de Bruxelles Street, Mercier—Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Montréal, QC, H1L 6A6
Service description: Listening, support and accompaniment for ex-inmates. Day-centre for ex-inmates: 2857-A de Bruxelles Street, Montréal, H1L 6A6. Social and family reintegration. Referral.
450 478-5933 ext.
Greater Montréal
ex-inmates, victims, families
corporation culturelle latino-américaine de l'amitié
1357 Saint-Louis Street, Saint-Laurent, Montréal, QC, H4L 2P4
Service description: Food bank. Community grocery store. Community meals. Nutritional training and workshop, community nutritionist. Outreach work initiative for seniors living in a vulnerable situation (ITMAV). Inf
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any person in need, newcomers and refugees
corporation culturelle latino-américaine de l'amitié - initiative de travail de milieu auprès des aînés en situation de vulnérabilité
1357 Saint-Louis Street, Saint-Laurent, Montréal, QC, H4L 2P4
Service description: Community outreach work for vulnerable seniors.
espace-famille villeray
7470 de Normanville Street, Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension, Montréal, QC, H2R 2V3
Service description: Perinatal and family resource centre. Daycare. Home support for parents of newborns, respite. Stroller ride respite. Espace-Bedon: prenatal meetings. Weekly discussion lunches. Conferences. Workshops,... More +
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Montréal Island, home support and respite: Villeray, donation of diapers: Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension
future parents, families with children 0 to 5 years old
famille nouvelle
4450 St-Hubert Street, Room 435, Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, Montréal, QC, H2J 2W9
Service description: Helping relationship centre. Individual, couple and family psychotherapy, therapy and psychosocial support. Meetings for caregivers.
Offer detail: *
Greater Montréal, videoconference: Canada
people living with mental health problems, people, couples and low income families, caregivers
groupe de soutien du cancer de la prostate du chum
1051 Sanguinet Street, Suite D01-3002, Ville-Marie, Montréal, QC, H2X 3E4
Service description: Support for people living with prostate cancer. Phone support. Moral support for people living with the disease and their families. Personalized support by trained volunteers who have had the same e
Offer detail: *
514 890-8000 ext.
Greater Montréal
people with prostate cancer, their relatives, their caregivers, patients from any hospitals are accepted
info line for victims of sexual assault
Service description: Multilingual information and help on resources available for women and children victims of sexual assault.
Laval, Montréal Island
women and children from muticultural communities
initiative 1,2,3 go! rivière-des-prairies
7650 Maurice-Duplessis Boulevard, Rivière-des-Prairies—Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montréal, QC, H1E 7R8
Service description: Improvement of the wellbeing of toddlers and their families. Creation of an environment favouring children's development.
Offer detail: *
families with children 0 to 5 years old, organizations, parents, community, municipal, political, educational, health and social services, business and childcare representatives
italian-canadian community foundation of québec
8370 Lacordaire Street, Suite 301, Saint-Léonard, Montréal, QC, H1R 3Y6
Service description: Financial support to community organizations.
Offer detail: *
italian-canadian community services of quebec
8370 Lacordaire Boulevard, Suite 303, Saint-Léonard, Montréal, QC, H1R 3Y6
Service description: Information, referral. Counselling. Translation. Collaboration with other groups and government agencies. Social and cultural programs, services for seniors. Senior abuse prevention. Health-related co
Offer detail: *
ma grossesse
Service description: Allowing pregnant women living in Québec access to the information and professionals they need during their pregnancy. Online registration: Directory of profe... More +
Province of Québec
pregnant women living in Québec