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Holiday Food Assistance
Social community organizations are aware that the Holiday season can be especially stressful and financially difficult, and this is why they have long been offering additional services to support individuals and families through these times. Christmas baskets may be the oldest and best known of those services, probably because organizations that provide them demonstrate an impressive ability to adapt to the population’s ever-evolving needs.
Newer types of assistance are now in existence besides the traditional food baskets prepared by a dedicated army of volunteers. In order that Christmas may be a time of celebration, here is an overview of resources available this year.
Christmas baskets
Christmas baskets help a large number of families every year. Registered families receive a large box containing non-perishable food, hygiene products and more.
- How to apply: interested persons should contact the organizations that serve their area and register on the list. Some organizations require a face-to-face meeting to assess the person’s family and financial situation. Others may ask that one becomes a member of their organization in order to access services. If you have received food assistance during the year, do not hesitate to inquire with the organization you received assistance from; they might have Christmas baskets reserved to their beneficiaries.
- Documents to be supplied: some organizations require a proof of income and a proof of residence, or family members’ health insurance cards.
- Cost: most baskets are free, but some organizations ask for a fee between $5 and $20. The cost may also vary according to the number of persons in the family, and some organizations may ask for membership fees.
- Registration period: largely October 1st to November 30th. Some organizations accept requests in September, and others accept applications beyond 30 November if their capacities permit.
- Distribution period: organizations hand out baskets during the 3 last weeks of December.
N.B. Some organizations choose to provide checks or vouchers instead of regular baskets, but application and distribution procedures are the same.
Christmas sharing stores
Please note that Regroupement Partage has ended the Magasins-Partage program this year. The organization will now focus all its efforts on its two programs, Opération Sac à Dos and Cultiver l'Espoir.
Christmas activities
During the holidays, in addition to food assistance services, some organizations offer Christmas activities. Some are free and others have a minimal cost. They are a good opportunity to share a warm meal, to break the isolation or to participate in family activities. These events take place in many towns and neighbourhoods and may allow to make valuable connections. Besides the community meals and dances for which one needs to register in advance, organizations such as Noël dans le Parc organize activities and shows that are open to all.