Mental Health and addictions
Addiction prevention
Agencies ensuring prevention for addiction and all kinds of risk behaviors associated to it, including information and referral services, day centres, therapeutic follow-up and prevention activities for a diverse clientele.
Addiction treatment
Parapublic and non-profit making private organizations providing detoxification, rehabilitation, social and vocational reintegration, as well as substitute medication for people coping with abuse or addiction to alcohol, drugs and gambling.
Community support in mental health
Agencies providing a greater range of community services for people with mental health issues: support, individual follow-up, meetings, activities, awareness, prevention, education, training and advocacy.
Crisis centres and suicide prevention
Intervention services over the phone, both in the community or on-site for crisis situations, and among people with suicidal thoughts and their relatives. Some agencies also offer short-term accommodation.
General or specialized hotlines offering active listening, information and referral, and in some cases immediate support for crisis situations.
Mental health advocacy groups
Programs that improve the public's understanding of mental illness and treatment options. Also includes advocacy and organizations whose members have affiliated for the purpose of improving mental health services and preventing mental illness.
Mental health housing
Programs giving access to various types of housing for people with mental health problems, such as group homes or supervised apartments.
Psychiatric services
Health centres and outpatient clinics providing care, as well as specialized and ultra-specialized services in mental health.
Self-help groups for addiction issues
Mutual support groups whose members are people who have any type of addiction.
Self-help groups for mental health issues
Mutual aid-based groups gathering people coping with similar mental health issues, on a regular basis, to share their experiences and find support.