commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail - siège social
1600 D'Estimauville Avenue, 6th floor, Québec, Capitale-Nationale, QC, G1J 0B9
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Grouping of the Commission des normes du travail (CNT), the Commission de l'équité salariale (CES) and the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité au travail (CSST).
* Mon Espace CNESST:
* Find an office:
* Provides an integrated expertise in terms of employment.
* Ensures the promotion and respect of employment, salary equity and security at work related rights and obligations.
* Online services of information request regarding labour standards.
* Online information and tools.
* Prevention squads: youth squad, prevention squad for new workers, prevention squad for temporary foreign workers.
employers, employees
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8h00 to 16h30, Wednesday 9h30 to 16h30, except public holidays
Province of Québec
English, French
PO Box 1200, Terminus Station, Québec, Capitale-Nationale, G1K 7E2
1 844 838-0808General inquiries
provincial government agency