drugs: help and referral
Montréal, QC
514 527-2626www.aidedrogue.ca/endar@aidedrogue.ca
Province of Québec
alcohol and drug users, relatives, professionals
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Free, bilingual and confidential service for information, referral and support regarding alcoholism and substance abuse.
* Telephone intervention.
* Chat.
* Referrals to appropriate services and resources throughout Québec.
* Managed by the Information and Referral Centre of Greater Montréal.
You can transfer the call directly to extension 602 if you feel that the person needs immediate assistance or if you are afraid that they will change their minds about their actions after hanging up. Use Transfert Assisté option.
alcohol and drug users, relatives, professionals
24 hours / 7 days
Province of Québec
English, French
514 527-2626
1 800 265-2626
non-profit organization