urgence psychosociale-justice
514 861-9331 ext. 208163www.ciusss-centresudmtl.gouv.qc.ca
Montréal Island
community partners (e.g., SPVM, organizations from the health, social services and corrections networks, community organizations)
Find Community and Social Resources
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* Crisis intervention for situation involving all population living on the Montréal Island.
* Telephone counselling on avenues of intervention that can prevent the deterioration of a person's mental state.
For the general public, dial 8-1-1.
community partners (e.g., SPVM, organizations from the health, social services and corrections networks, community organizations)
24 hours / 7 days
Montréal Island
English, French
only at the request of an officer of the SPVM, the health and social services network, the correctional network or the community sector
514 861-9331 ext. 208163
514 861-9331 ext. 208171
non-profit organization