west island community resource centre
114 Donegani Avenue, Pointe-Claire, Montréal, QC, H9R 2V4
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* Information and referral towards self-help groups, community organizations and public services.
* Support of community initiatives and projects.
* Support to collective projects.
* Office or meeting space for community services according to availabilities.
* Free legal counselling by appointment.
* Coordination of networking opportunities and workshops.
* Tax clinic.
* CRC mobile: seniors meetings and referral to community services by a community outreach worker.
* Outreach work initiative for seniors living in a vulnerable situation (ITMAV).
general public
Monday to Friday 9h00 to 16h00
West Island
English, French
114 Donegani Avenue, Pointe-Claire, Montréal, H9R 2V4
514 694-6404
non-profit organization
municipal, provincial, Centraide of Greater Montréal, donations, federal