Community News

Consult our articles on various social and community topics.


Sexual Violence: Supporting Victims on Their Path to Recovery

by: 211 Grand Montréal
Sexual Violence: Supporting Victims on Their Path to Recovery
Sexual violence is a major issue that affects all aspects of society. This is why many organizations have come together to provide these individuals with the necessary resources for their recovery journey.

Domestic violence: organizations at the heart of the fight

by: Alexandre Haslin/Maria Rigas
Domestic violence: organizations at the heart of the fight
Every day, there are organizations that work tirelessly to fight against this violence, whether it is by helping the victims or by preventing the violence from being committed.

Helplines & Talklines

by: 211 Team
Helplines & Talklines
List of free and confidential specialized helplines and general talk lines. Break the isolation by talking with someone.